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The Conclave Of Richmond Pipe Smokers, C.O.R.P.S. (pronounced “CORE” like the Marine Corps), is a non-profit organization, founded for its members and the public to learn about and enjoy the Ancient & Honorable Art & Sport of Pipe Smoking; and to educate and communicate all positive aspects thereof. We also, as much as possible, support Richmond area children’s charities with funds beyond our operating expenses. Membership is open to any person or organization interested in any aspect of the Art & Sport. A dues or sponsorship payment is required (currently $25 per year for individuals).
We meet monthly in a social meeting, with some limited business, to enjoy one another’s company for dinner, drink and sharing our love of pipes and tobaccos. The meetings are usually held on the third Tuesday of the month, but the day, time and location will vary. See below for the location of the next meeting. An irregular e-newsletter is issued, which provides meeting info, hobby happenings, literature, art and the like.
The CORPS – PICNIC – “in the good ‘ol summertime…” Saturday, July 18th.
Park at the far west end of the building and walk around to the rear of the building. If you are handicapped, or just too old and tired to walk far, there might be enough parking in the rear of the location.
Due to ABC laws, no alcohol will be allowed, but there will be plenty of iced tea and cold bottled water. Plan on lots of smoking and great food, much better than the hot dogs you will have on the 4th. There will be no hot dogs or burgers at this party. Our ‘chef for the day’ will prepare a much better menu for you and your family. Bring a prospective new member or a date, as well as your family, if you want.
RSVP to the CORPS phoneline; 804-342-0761 with the number in your party or you can e-mail the info to: conclave@corpipesmokers.org. We request your response by July 13th. We want to have plenty of food for all. This will be yet another great CORPS gathering. What a great year so far!